Data Deletion Policy
This policy sets out the process for data deletion on our platform to ensure we comply with data protection regulations and respect our users' rights to privacy and control over their personal data.
User Request: Users may send data deletion requests to our email address (contact@furdoption) and must clearly state that they wish their data be deleted.
Identity Verification: The identity of the requesting user will be verified without compromising their personal data. Only necessary information will be used for this step.
Request Review: The deletion request will be reviewed against any legal obligations that may require us to retain certain data. Users will be informed if such conflicts exist.
Data Search and Identification: We will search and identify all data related to the user across our database, including backups and logs.
Data Deletion: The user's personal data will be deleted from our database. Any data used for analytic purposes will be anonymized or de-identified to preserve user anonymity.
Completion Notification: Users will receive notification through email or in-app messaging to confirm their data deletion request has been completed.
Documentation: We will document the deletion process for each request as a record for future reference.
Audit: We will regularly audit our data deletion processes to ensure compliance with data protection regulations.
Timing: Users' personal data should only be used for the deletion process and must be carried out in a timely manner, typically within 30 days from the request.
Last updated